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Weekly links (Ed. 7)

Hi reader,

Welcome to the Weekly Links edition 7, not 6! The last week-end I was away from home, and it went quite bad as the wife got ill. Also trains problems. It was a shitty weekend. Also, I’m trying to migrate terraform code at work to get it managed by terragrunt, and hell, I never read that much infrastructure code with that much circular dependencies.

Yesterday I just left my computer and watched movies! The last Ghostbuster movie, Fair game, Star Trek: Generations and 99 Francs. I’m still quite unsure why I’ve done that. I also played Civilization IV until 3 am.

Links I found interesting the last week:

  • Why Blog If Nobody Reads It? - Actually I really hope nobody is reading this blog, as my english sucks and nobody should really care what I’m writing about. But I agree with one thing: I’m not writing for anybody but me.
  • How Copyover MUD Servers Worked - I missed the MUD era so much! And despite I was not a big player, I miss connecting with telnet to some remote server and discover new worlds. And the tech behind it! I was learning C at the time and unix systems. The trick in the blog post is quite common but at the time was already fixing real world problems.
  • You Should Use /tmp/ More - I’m a vivid user of $HOME/tmp, but honestly, I should use /tmp more often, as it will get automatically cleaned up by the system.
  • You can have good Dockerfiles - Another thing I should do: Write down somewhere the best practices I’ve learned and used over the years about Dockerfiles.
  • Crushing JIRA tickets is a party trick, not a path to impact - I’ve been doing one to ones at work, to align people with a common vision and also facilitating communication. One of the feedback I’ve been doing is that I do not care about solving a lot of JIRA tickets. I care more about quality than quantity.

I also fucked up my temporal installation. I’m not really using it, so I guess I’ll just decommission it. I really wish I could discover new things. The last weeks I wrote some code to write a basic git client in Rust. I’m thinking starting again and writing blog posts. My friends are telling me this is useless and that I should rest.

Everyone, have a great week.