Cleaning PostgreSQL tables
When a PostgreSQL database takes too much place, it may be time to make some cleanup. And sometimes, a big DELETE with a VACUUM FULL may not be enough. For example, today I’ve find out a few things to do to cleanup things more deeply.
I’ve done a simple “DELETE * FROM obj;”, followed by a VACUUM. I got back 300 MB, but my table is still using space:
engineProd=# SELECT count(*) FROM obj;
(1 row)
engineProd=# SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('obj'));
85 MB
(1 row)
It’s possible with PostgreSQL to monitor easily disk storage used by tables and their indexes. You’ll have to use database’s internal tables, as pg_class:
{% highlight sql %} engineProd=# SELECT relname, relpages FROM pg_class EngineProd-# WHERE relpages > 1000 ORDER BY relpages DESC; relname | relpages —————————–+———- obj_hash_index | 4322 obj_action_created_at_index | 1586 obj_created_at_index | 1527 obj_st_to_index | 1262 obj_st_from_index | 1248 obj_status_index | 1224 obj_pkey | 1223
The tricky part is to reindex with [REINDEX](
engineProd=# REINDEX TABLE obj;
And the result is a lot better:
engineProd=# SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('obj'));
88 kB
(1 row)
Note that there is a full technical page about this in the PostgreSQL manual.mycroft@nas0:/volume1/backup/dev/gazette/_posts$